The skill supports all levels, except for maximum - on it the GOD MODE does not work, and I consider, that is necessary to pass a episode by any ways.
II. The description of maps
The episode consists of five levels and one secret. All of them are passed without the help of an aeropack, therefore he does not meet anywhere. The description of maps and screenshots below is resulted, that, as I hope, will help you to understand, what's happening on your monitor's screen.
There was not, that a too early morning of Sunday, when Dmitry Nukin has had a look to the friend to undergo treatment for him by beer after yesterday's party with a shish kebab. Walk through the gates, he expected to hear a familiar bay of a master's dog. But what's this?! Whether not too here is deserted? Dmitry practically did not remember the end yesterday's party (that speaks about quantity drunk) and home returned on the autopilot. "It is visible, we yesterday so well have sat, what as early as one nobody has woken up" - the thought in an ill head was flapped.
But thirst gave about itself to know, and Dmitry was set to the deep of court yard, but here has heard these strange sounds. By customary motion having pulled out pistol, he became accurately skulk forward...
That was farther, you, I think, have understood. Having seen on the TVset the reference of president to people, Nukin has rushed to station, that by the nearest train leave to space port.
In the concluding it would be desirable to mark, that this map on how much allows a game, will repeat of possession of my friend located not so far from Moscow.
The city has met our hero by ruins and fires. From all trains after an offence of the aliens, which one he has overslept so successful, the presidential train facing in an armoured hangar was kept only. Not reflecting second, Dmitry sat in a train.
And only having reached up to a cabin of the engineman, he has realized, that has no slightest representation, as this train to stop.
What that waits for him at the front?!
Problem of a stop of a train on its final ststion Dmitry has decided with passion to destruction - brake the wall of station has served. Having waited, when the explosions will cease, he has rushed inside of a building.
On a road to Center of Flight Control do not forget to go on a memorial cemetery. Have found fresh tomb? How do you think, for whom she?
But our hero has rushed to mightiest rocket's launcher on the Earth - "Energia", which one will supply him to Alien's planet, where the "Guarantor of Democracy "stays.
The Soviet engineering on the verge of fantasy has not justified Dmitry's hopes. When the fuel was on outcome, and from the control panel has beginning to go a smoke, he has decided to be docked to the maiden fallen space station. Leaving from the airlock he with horror has beheld on a wall an emblem of Alien Defenсе Forces (ADF). Having sung a battle march, Dmitry has decided to pass a customs, and there - be that will be! Advice of the author:When from a hangar with shuttles you will get on a launching plane and will raise green shuttle for descent to a Alien's planet, do not hurry to rush to an exit from a level. Better return to hangar and search in it the exit to a secret level.
First of all, thanks, that have found this level and my transactions has not disappeared.
So, on a path to Alien's planet Dmitry has decided to have a look at one suspicious station. Having tried to penetrate inside, he has found out a thing, offensive for him. Well, have guessed?
The bitter aliens on this research station have elaborated technology permitting to make the soldiers practically invisible. In a hall for conferences Dmitry has found out of new multi-coloured mutants. So filth! Our hero has experienced natural desire to erase these creations, and after that, having returned on launch pad, at last to be dropped on a hostile planet and to free the president.
Another's antimissile protection has shot down our hero, but in last moment he has ejected.
I hope, that you will be satisfied with art surveys and you take pleasure, getting over on the bridge through an abyss, running through abandoned mine, indecent to behave in local church, and, certainly, traveling inside the ancient fortress. However, do not forget, that main your problem - to save the Guarantor of Democracy.