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Eltcin - you are rustle of a wind in leafage!
Eltcin - you are the king of the people and animals!
You are the sun ray, oh, Eltcin!
The master of clouds!


I. Thanks

     First of all, the author would like to express cardiac thanks to all of them, whose ingenious creations used during creation of a episode. He abirritates himself by hope, that the above mentioned sirs begin to not submit on him to court for violation of the copyrights, wherefore he worked not for for muny, but only from love to beauty.
     I would like to express thanks to the close friend known in a narrow circle as GIGA, for the fact that he has passed long-sufferingly all levels and true has scarified them, having given thus set of the valuable indicatings on reduction of these levels in a proper view.

II. Explanations

     The business was gloomy September day. Behind a window the course went crisis of August 17, only to author there was not up to it - he has scalded an hand by boiled water, and on country house the thieves have dug out almost all potato which has been brought up by an excessive transactions and all in such kind.
     Abiding in the conforming mood, your humble servant will come across a add-on for the game DUKE NUKEM 3D under a title DUKE IT OUT IN D.C. (for those who not in a course, I shall explain, that in this episode Duke rescue Clinton from paws of the aliens). Also became to me so for the mandatory power is insulting, that I have decided to create the episode SAVE EBN (I hope, that initials you will decrypt).

III. What's new

     In this episode you the set new expects:

  1. 6 new maps, large and smaller, but always making you to stretch by brains (and not only on a wall);
  2. 170 new textures and sprites;
  3. 14 new sounds;
  4. 6 new soundtracks;
  5. 1 new weapon.
IV. The requirements

     For the installation of a episode it is necessary, that on your computer there was one of following versions of the game:
DUKE NUKEM 3D V1.3D - original registered English version of Duke Nukem 3D ver 1.3;
DUKE NUKEM 3D V1.3D - russian version by GML SoftWare;
DUKE NUKEM 3D V1.3D - doomed version by GML SoftWare.
     The last two are in my disposal and I want put all this on my site, only one for me a problem - to find under an all this disk space. Who can - help!

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Copyright © Mikhail L Gubin, 2000-2008

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